Make The Best Pumpkin Spice Latte In the Comforts of your Home

In other parts of the world, the crisp mornings of fall call for a perfect mug of Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL). Mornings like this are best savored while it lasts, especially before winter takes over. What a better way of celebrating autumn with a terrific and splendidly blended drink that’ll warm and calm your morning hype!

Though many coffee lovers out there may love their morning cup, not all would go to the degree of getting themselves to buy the expensive coffee machines that’ll make good ol’ creamy cups we all love to get from coffee shops. Some would rather drop by cafes like Starbucks to get their fix.

However, what if it’s the weekend and you don’t want to get out of the house to grab your favorite cup? Well, there’s nothing a box from the stores can’t fix, especially this fall season.

This recipe you’ll find here is very easy. Most of the ingredients are definitely something you already have in your cupboard. The best thing about it is it only takes a full 10 minutes to get this perfect cup warmed at a degree perfect for you.

Here are some of the golden ways you can stir up a PSL for your cozy weekend.

Recipe #1 The Shorter Way

Step 1: We start by heating on your stove all these ingredients: pumpkin puree and milk, sugar, a drop of vanilla extract, and some pumpkin pie spices.

For your milk, you get all the options you desire. Whether you’re the type to go for whole milk, skim, 2%, or dairy-free milk, where using coconut or almond milk would make it taste even more delicious.

Step 2: After the ingredients’ preliminary heating, it’s time to add strong coffee into the mix. For the mixture, the measure is divided between two mugs.

Step 3: Although, this may not anymore be necessary, you can add some whipped cream on top.

And that’s simple and quick to blend too. Plus, you can enrich your budding barista skill. However, careful with all the milk and cream. There’s no point in wasting the sweater weather on a gassy stomach.

Recipe #2 The Long-cut

Step 1: Make yourself a bottle of homemade pumpkin spice syrup. Having one would probably last eight drinks. It’s also great to add in a cold brew. If electricity isn’t an issue, store the remaining syrup in the fridge for future consumption and use it within the week.

Step 2: Prep-up the following ingredients for the homemade Pumpkin Spice Syrup. Do as measured:

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Syrup

  • 1½ cup sugar
  • 1½ cup water
  • 6 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 2 teaspoons ground nutmeg
  • 4 tablespoons pumpkin purée

Step 3: Combine ingredients as directed:

1.) Use a saucepan and bring to simmer water and sugar as measured.

2.) Make sure that sugar is fully dissolved before adding in cinnamon sticks, ginger, ground cloves, nutmeg, and pumpkin purée.

3.) Again, let the mixture simmer for 20 minutes in probably 200 degrees.

Step 4: After the mixture, remove the saucepan from heat and strain through cheesecloth immediately. The coffee filter makes a good alternative too.

Step 5: Now, we’re ready to blend the latte. Prepare the following:

Pumpkin Spice Latte

  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 ounce Starbucks Espresso Roast or 1 shot of espresso
  • 3 tablespoons homemade pumpkin spice syrup
  • ½ cup whipped cream
  • 1 pinch pumpkin pie spice(garnish)

Step 5: Again, heat your desired milk until it becomes frothy.

Step 6: It’s time to brew your coffee, preferably the espresso roast.

Step 7: First pour in pumpkin spice syrup in your mug, then your freshly brewed hot espresso and stir them together.

Step 8: Pout the frothed milk and top it with whipped cream.

Step 9: Sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice and enjoy.