Unholy Dishes We Have To Get Rid

There was a time in the past when people prepared these meals straight from processed foods. You’re not going to believe this is what people from the ‘60s used to eat– food that neither taste good nor look good at all. It’s a good thing our grandmothers have evolved through time, at least with food. With that, we have collected some of these gruesome dishes for you. Please remember that we did so for you to know what you shouldn’t ever do. By the foods’ looks in photos alone, they are enough to discredit any entree. We’re not so confident to say that any of the food will interest no one. So brace yourself, especially your stomach, as we take you back to the ’60s dinner table.

Jellied Bouillon with Frankfurters

Nope, this is not a joke. Back in the days, there existed such a dish, and families used to enjoy eating it. It’s just that we’re unsure how happy the meal made each one of them. But maybe it really did, to some degree.

Directions: begin with dissolving unflavored gelatin in hot beef broth. Using a gelatin mold, add in diced celery, slices of hot dog, and hard-boiled eggs. Pour beef Jell-O into the mold. And lastly, chill until firm.

Salmon Rice Casserole

Credits to Pyrex Prize Recipes, this dish will definitely not be something we’ll go for. As a matter of fact, we probably might avoid any of the ingredients mentioned in the recipe for a while. No offense to the ingredients; it’s just how the dish looks and we can imagine all the taste.

Vienna Sausage Shortcake

Although a photo of an old favorite Vienna sausage looks appealing, this dish, however, could not be any more to our taste. We think this generation has outgrown the time canned goods were such a culinary wonder.

Pickle Stretcher Salad

Well, many people are fans of pickles. Some love them to the degree that they would have it as an appetizer or side dish in almost every meal. However, this pickle stretcher salad isn’t just right. Did you know that there’s this Salads Cookbook back in 1969 that contained at least 500 salad recipes? We just found out how ridiculous the cookbook entrees are, and not one included fresh veggies as an ingredient. That’s just sad and scary for a salad.

Circle Pups

Well, we don’t know how this looks to you, but it’s something like what fraternity boys make their fresh recruits eat. It’s funny how this mustard-covered dish got into famous cookbooks back in those days.

Crown Roast

And here we are, we thought we live in the busiest of times. But how come this dish belonged in the time where most women stayed at home to serve their family? It seems like this food proves how the cook only had a few minutes to make this up.

Busy Lady Beefcake

Were there really a lot of busy ladies back in those days? How could this food even exist? We hope this gets us to appreciate more the evolution of our food into at least the healthier and mindfully prepared ones we have today.

Asparagus-Macaroni Loaf

Can you imagine your packed lunch has this meal inside? We don’t know how they can call this special food in the ’60s. This asparagus-macaroni loaf is just so bizarre, and we’re imagining all sorts of smell coming from this fix alone. Did your grandparents ever serve you this meal?

The Good: Hot Dog Nutty Fritters

The Bad: Hot Dog Salad Dressing recipes were pulled from 1968’s Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Cookbook and came out not-so-bad and vomit-inducing.

Prune Whip

Wow, this might be dangerous to the stomach. Wouldn’t it be? With this whip, one would probably catch stomach flu, or it’ll be good for those in their weight loss journey. Imagine all the gas it’ll stir inside the tummy or the richness of the fiber. Anyhow, we believe this will go well with your sandwich.There was a time in the past when people prepared these meals straight from processed foods. You’re not going to believe this is what people from the ‘60s used to eat– food that neither taste good nor look good at all. It’s a good thing our grandmothers have evolved through time, at least with food. With that, we have collected some of these gruesome dishes for you. Please remember that we did so for you to know what you shouldn’t ever do. By the foods’ looks in photos alone, they are enough to discredit any entree. We’re not so confident to say that any of the food will interest no one. So brace yourself, especially your stomach, as we take you back to the ’60s dinner table.